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As the autumn and winter months bring earlier darkness, the risk of road accidents caused by reduced visibility increases. While most drivers can see well in daylight, many people develop a condition known as night blindness in the dark.

This condition is characterised by difficulty in orienting in the dark and slow adaptation of the eyes when moving from light to dark. Drivers with night blindness pose an increased risk not only to themselves but also to other road users and should avoid driving in the dark.

“During the day, in good lighting, vision is normal, but vision deteriorates significantly in twilight and darkness, and peripheral vision is lost. After dawn, the situation improves again. It is not only night driving or driving in fog that becomes challenging, but also navigating dark spaces, such as avoiding furniture. In the later stages of the condition, there is a gradual loss of central visual acuity, and vision does not return to its original state even in good light conditions,” explained Denisa Čamková, a doctor at the Gemini Eye Clinic.

The causes of night blindness can be hereditary or acquired. “Hereditary causes include retinal diseases accompanied by degeneration of the visual rods, which are primarily responsible for vision in low-light conditions. These diseases tend to be rare and usually manifest between the ages of 20 and 40. Acquired forms can be related to vitamin A deficiency, for example, due to nutrient absorption disorders. These can occur in childhood or as a result of inadequate vitamin A intake in the diet,” said Denisa Čamková.

Other eye conditions can also contribute to impaired twilight vision, including uncorrected refractive errors, cataracts, optic nerve damage, or the use of certain medications.

Appropriate supplements can also help. Increased intake of vitamin A is essential for vitamin A deficiency. Supplementation with lutein and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is recommended for proper lens function. For example, the supplement Gemioptal Top-Q contains both substances.

Awareness of night blindness and its early diagnosis can significantly contribute to road safety. If you notice difficulties orienting in the dark or if your vision deteriorates in low-light conditions, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist. They will assess the condition of your vision and recommend appropriate measures. Drivers prone to night blindness or other eye problems should exercise extra caution during this period and limit driving in low-light conditions.


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