Mo - Fr 7:00 – 18:00
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As it gets warmer outside, we’re increasingly using air conditioning not only in cars but also in homes and offices. What should we watch out for, and what health risks does air conditioning bring?

Air conditioning is meant to keep us cool on warm days, but we shouldn’t overdo it by setting the temperature too low. The difference between the temperature inside and outside should not exceed 5 degrees Celsius. Heavily air-conditioned rooms can result in headaches, stiff neck muscles, dry nose and throat, as well as itchy and dry eyes.

“While driving a car, people often make the mistake of adjusting the air intake nozzles to point directly at their face. Although this may feel better in the heat, it can cause eye discomfort, such as dryness, irritation, or itching. Therefore, the cool air stream should preferably be directed at the windshield, which will disperse the cool air throughout the car cabin,” advised Pavel Stodůlka, head of the Gemini Eye Clinic.

Our eyesight can suffer when working at a computer or driving for long periods. “Among the most common issues is the drying of the eye’s surface. People who have poor quality tear film or lack tears are more susceptible to these problems. These patients are often seen by doctors in eye clinics, describing unpleasant symptoms such as a feeling of sand in the eyes, irritation, or paradoxically, increased tearing,” explained Pavel Stodůlka.

Unpleasant burning sensations and dry eyes are often relieved by the application of artificial tears.


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