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Avoiding looking directly at the sun may seem like obvious advice, but it’s important to stress the dangers that intense sunlight can pose to our eyes.

Although it’s only April, the current weather is reminiscent of summer. As the sun’s rays gain strength, we should not underestimate the need to protect our eyes. When out in the sun, it is advisable to wear high-quality sunglasses with a UV filter. Unfortunately, many people prioritize lower prices over quality when purchasing sunglasses. However, dark glasses without a UV filter can be more harmful to the eyes than no glasses at all.

“Under dark lenses, the pupils dilate, allowing more sunlight to enter the eyes unless protected by a good-quality UV filter. This can lead to eye damage. Additionally, if the sunglasses are not properly shaped, harmful UV radiation can be reflected into the eyes from the back surface of the lenses at an increased rate,” said Pavel Stodůlka, head of the Gemini eye clinic network.

Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can cause cataracts and, in rare cases, damage to the retina. The sun’s rays can also cause skin cancer of the eyelids and conjunctiva. “In older age, this can lead to macular degeneration, which damages the retina and can result in blindness. Irreversible damage to vision can occur when looking directly into the sun. The area of sharpest vision may be damaged, and a scar may form on the retina,”  warned Pavel Stodůlka.

Take a look at the range of quality glasses available at our Gemini opticians or in our e-shop.


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